Editorial Team
Chief Editor
Dr. Ayad Hani Alalaf College of Agriculture and Forestry Horticulture and Landscape Design department University of Mosul.
Email: Ayad_alalaf@uomosul.edu.iq
Prof. Ali Farouq:
College of Agriculture and Forestry Horticulture and Landscape Design department University of Mosul.
Prof. Mohammad Nasr
Egypt Professor of Horticulture - Faculty of agriculture sciences, Zagazig University E-mail: mohamednasr79@yahoo.com Mobile Number: 00201005456118
Prof. Dr. Li Qiang
China Professor of Sweetpotato breeding, Xuzhou sweetpotato research institute, Chinese academy of agriculture Science, Jiangsu provience, China E-mail: instrong@163.com
Prof. Dr. Gong Zhen Hui
China Professor of Pepper breeding, Collage of Horticulture, Northwest A&F university, Yangling, Shaanxi, China E-mail: gzhh168@yahoo.com.cn zhgong@nwsuaf.edu.cn